The Statue of Connectivity







This Wednesday, January 15, 2025 between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. you can experience The Statue of Connectivity on Dam Square in Amsterdam. The colorful cubes are then assembled into staff #93. With this staff and with other people I express my wish for a colorful and connected society.

Raked Nothing


Raked Nothing was constructed in 2008. Trees and vegetable mould were removed. And an open area with sand was the result. Fifty lorries loaded with used street concrete were the artist’s building materials. After three months of work a thirty-meter long wall was erected. On one side you can start walking up to four meters high.


The Roman Mysterie

Two thousand years ago local Dutch inhabitants (Batavian tribes) cooperated with the Italian conquerors (the Romans). Today it’s policy in archeology to no longer discover settlements but preserve them for future generations. This is an example of such a site. The whole site has been packed with twenty inch of sand.

To add to the mystery of the unrevealed archeological site the artist developed a street enlightment that reacts at random on movements on the track .

Before entering the site the artist planted three sweet chestnut trees to remind people of the Roman past. In this way he links the introduction of the chestnut tree by the Romans with today’s food.

At night the random lights makes you speculate about the dark history of the Batavians.

In the day light you can experience (and taste) the sweet chestnut trees.

Robinson Thomasia and two friends at the access to the archeological site

Cultural Walking Expedition 2007


The artist organizes two times a nine-mile-long walking excursion inspired by the former railroad . The start is at the former Grand Station in Aalsmeer.

More than 300 people walk the track while listening to an open air, live broadcast. Listening to soundscapes of an audio artist and listening to stories and other information of
a writer , a historian, an ecologist and of course the artist himself about the landscape.

Due to safety rules Amsterdam Airport had to give permission for this walk across the runway of planes.

Most of the bridges were gone. Sometimes boats are needed.

Inspired on an old cabin for the bridgemaster, the artist built a new one.

For one watercourse the artist built a floating bridge of 40 feet.

Green Flags

The ‘Tuinstraat’ (Gardenstreet) in Almelo (The Netherlands) offers no green, it is only bricks you see.

Frank Bezemer has found four spots of some square inches to plant a taxus tree.

Because of the limited space, the taxus tree will be trimmed on the left, in the front, and at the top. Within some years the silhouet of a flag will be the result of all this trimming.