The 28 parts make a dance while the paint is hardening.
Staff # 101 stands sometimes (built up)
in the front yard of Institute Johanna de Lestonnac. Dobbelmannweg 5 Nijmegen.
The sculpture Endless Diversity (staff #101) calls for breaking the pattern of monoculture.
(Over forty percent of the surface area in the Netherlands is used for monoculture. Twenty percent of the Netherlands is full of the monocultures for the purpose of cattle feed; grass and corn.)
During an extended stay in Georgia in 2018, I experienced the valiant fight against voter suppression led by Stacey Abrams. Back in the Netherlands, I dedicate a staff to her.
A sculpture by Frank Bezemer consists of separate parts that are connected to form a staff, antenna or a scepter. The antenna is ideal for receiving signals from the cosmos. The staff is the perfect tool to directly connect with mother earth.
Ans Verdijk goes into the wild with staf # 94 (The wood for this staff was felled by beavers. Then delivered by rivers to the artist’s studio.)Staff # 94 158cm private collection
Staff # 96 and the artist @
Kapoenstraat Maastricht during the Covid-19 pandemic.
September 25 2020
Free after Balthus’ paintings: Passage du Commerce-Saint-André, 1952-1954 (Fondation Beyeler) & La Rue 1933, (Moma New York)
Fai del bene e sii felice. La massima del filosofo olandese Baruch Spinoza è messa in pratica ogni giorno da Maria. Molto tempo fa i suoi antenati hanno abitato nella grotta alle sue spalle. Nel giardino crescono albicocchi e anche giovani ulivi. 7 febbraio 2020
Welkom op mijn studio op zaterdag 13 en zondag 14 april 2024
Speciaal voor buurtbewoners is er de tentoonstelling P a s s a g e s georganiseerd met werk van mijn collega’s en mij.
U kunt op zaterdag 13 en zondag 14 april 2024 tussen 11.00u en 17.00u komen kijken naar de binnenkant van het gebouw en de kunstwerken die er gemaakt zijn. En desgewenst in gesprek gaan met de kunstenaar.
(meer informatie over de foto getiteld: Study! onderaan in cursief.)
Entree € 5,- Dobbelmannweg 5 6531KT Nijmegen.
Especially for local residents the exhibition P a s s a g e s has been organised with works by my colleagues and me. You can come on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 April 2024 between 11am and 5pm to see the inside of the building and the artworks created there. And engage in conversation with the artist if you wish.
Entrance fee € 5 ,-
About the photo titled Study! read more below
The photo shows the door to my studio. From the left to the right: Two toddlers in memory of the former kindergarten, Emeritus Professor of Educational Studies at Radboud University Theo Bergen reenacting the statue on the frontside of the studio-building, and a delicate balancing staff # 31.
The building in which my studio is located has a statue of Johanna de Lestonnac on the front facade. She has a book in her hands, to emphasize the importance of education. Johanna de Lestonnac was a woman who began educating girls in Bordeaux in the 16th century.
The building was part of a large Roman Catholic complex, with a church, a rectory, a cemetery, a convent and a variety of schools. The building was originally built as a boarding school for girls. Then in 1931 it was transformed into a kindergarten. And in 1989, the building was converted into studios for artists.
From left to right: performers of contemporary music Jacob Vanneste and Lisa Kokwenda Schweiger with staff # 44. Accompanied by composers Boris Bezemer and Stefaan Quix. Bekegem (Belgium)