The Relief (Staff #19)

Video still. 2016  From the video The Danish Staff  (English subtitles). In this video Benny Andersen 1929-2018) himself recited the poem Lykken.  Read here the Dutch translation!


Annelies Ruijs at the exhibition 99+1 with Staff The Relief (#19) 234cm




staff # 19,  234cm / 92 ”

< # 18.  > # 20

A delicate Balance







Staff # 4  266cm

< # 3   > # 5

VIDEO-STILL                                   CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE VIDEO ON YOU-TUBE


Romanian Staff








Staff # 1     >#2


Frank Bezemer has recently created wooden bars made of birch branches that he cut into segments, painted with ten different colours and then joined back together. Each bar consists of twenty eight segments painted in black, blue, brown, green, grey, purple, orange, red, yellow and white.



The Romanian Staff was integrated in the show 12 Ballads for Huguenot House by Theaster Gates. (Documenta 13: june 9 till september 16 2012)   Hugenottenhaus. Friedrichstrasse 25 Kassel


                                                             click on the image and see the movie  on youtube


> # 2